
Case study - management of patients with neurologic trauma

Case Study - Management of Patients With Neurologic Trauma

Terrell Wells, a 26-year-old man who fell 50 feet from a chairlift while skiing and landed on hard-packed snow. He was found to have to have a C6-7 fracture with paraplegia. He was taken to surgery 48 hours post accident for spinal stabilization. He spent 2 additional days in the SICU, and is being transferred to the transition unit. The following vital signs: temperature, 100°F; blood pressure, 92/68 mm Hg; heart rate, 100 bpm; respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min.

a. What is the explanation for the patients vital signs?

b. What is Spinal Shock? What is the difference between spinal shock and neurogenic shock?

c. What are nursing interventions related to Autonomic dysreflexia?

d. What nursing care should be provided for the patient?

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: Case study - management of patients with neurologic trauma
Reference No:- TGS02426987

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