
Case study - fast track couriers to develop a business plan

Use the information provided in the case study 'Fast Track Couriers' to develop a business plan to support the company's strategic and operational goals. Develop a plan for communicating the business plan to relevant parties.


1. Review the information in the case study.

2. Analyse and interpret the current business environment, goals and objectives embedded in the case study.

3. Consult with your assessor (assume the assessor is a key stakeholder) and discuss and agree upon performance objectives and measures.

4. Document a business plan to assist the organisation to achieve its goals.

5. Document a plan for communicating the business plan to all relevant parties. To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:

• Submit a completed business plan.

• Consult with key stakeholder (assessor) and document the outcomes of the consultation.

• Submit a communication plan.

• The business plan must include the following:

o Table of contents

o Executive summary

o Introduction

o Description of the business (background)

o Business products and services

o Marketing activity - the market

o Business operations:

• productivity and performance targets for key result areas (in consultation with key stakeholders)

• include financial and non-financial performance measures

• detail resource requirements, including human resources, capital equipment and other resources required to achieve business goals

o Management and organisational structure

o Proposal

o Financial background

• trading to date

• forecasts

o Risks (risk analysis)

• include a section on how you will ensure skilled labour is available to implement the plan, such as a recruitment or training strategy

o Licensing

• include any permits or licences required

o Conclusion

• Communication strategy

o Produce a report or document which covers the following areas:

Who are the key stakeholders?

• What information will each person (position) require?

• What are the relevant timeframes?

• How will you communicate this information?

• How will you ensure their understanding of their role in implementing the business plan?

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Business Management: Case study - fast track couriers to develop a business plan
Reference No:- TGS01104914

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