
Case-squamous cell cancer of cervix

Case Study:

Mrs. M, a 45 y.o. woman with squamous cell cancer of the cervix was introduced in: Pain Management and Palliative Care. This case scenario revisits Mrs. M. after some time has elapsed.

Though Mrs. M.'s pain was managed effectively at home for a short while, her condition has deteriorated further and continues to change daily. She is at a point where her complex care needs are no longer being effectively met at home. Mrs. M, fearful of dying—and of dying at home, returned to the hospital. Her 5 children are being cared for by a sister who lives in the area.

Two days ago, Mrs. M. began running a low grade fever and her respirations are noisy and congested. Her feet and hands are cold to the touch and blue. She has very low urine output. She seems to be withdrawing from those around her, yet is very anxious about talking with her parish priest.

Question 1. Describe signs and symptoms of the dying process that Mrs. M. is exhibiting. Her current state is most congruent with someone whose life remaining can be described best in terms of hours, days, or months?

Question 2. Identify psychological, social, and spiritual care needs and corresponding interventions for her care. How would you adapt these interventions if the patient was an infant? An elderly (>85 y.o.) person? An individual from a culture whose was both different than your own and unfamiliar to you?

Question 3. Discuss the role of the nurse as part of the health care team surrounding the death of a patient such as Mrs. M.

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Case-squamous cell cancer of cervix
Reference No:- TGS01907051

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