
Case scenario-the irish potato famine

Case Scenario:

You are a demographer, a person who studies population patterns. Like most demographers, you are well aware of the growth of the human population in the last century. In 1900, the earth had a population of about one and a half billion people. By 2000, earth's population had quadrupled to six billion people. Most of these people live in the developing world.

One of your responsibilities is to help educate the public about the consequences of over-population. People don't understand much about demographics, so part of your job is to put your findings into language that lay people can understand. Sometimes you are asked to give speeches to business and environmental organizations. For example, next week you are participating in a panel discussion at Westmont College on the causes of famine.


You are a member of a panel that has been invited to Westmont College to discuss the causes of famine. Each member of the panel has been assigned to research one of the following famines so the panel can explore shared causes and discuss what can be done to prevent similar outbreaks in the future.

Please help me write a paper on:

The Irish "Potato Famine" of 1846-50

Individual presentation should include a discussion of the social, political and environmental conditions that contributed to the famine in whole or in part, a description of the extent of the famine, efforts that were made to alleviate human suffering and the extent to which they were successful.

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Reference No:- TGS02034955

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