
Case scenario-sos in dhs-a problem of motivation

Case Scenario: SOS in DHS: A Problem of Motivation

About 1B months ago, Jess Johnson was appointed to direct a newly authorized and funded unit in the state's Department of Human Services (DHS) Shortly thereafter, she interviewed and hired six new employees to staff the unit The name of the unit is Service Outreach for Seniors (5OS) lts purpose is to coordinate services for the vulnerable elderly This is lessS first supervisory position SusanJones and Bob Martin were two of the new employees Jess hired lnitially, both were very productive, enthusiastic, and industrious. Bob had taken the initiative to work closely with several prominent private service providers to ensure their cooperation and involvement in the new program. Susan had done a terrific job of producing publications and other materials describing the goals of the unit and explaining SOS services to the elderly But since this initial spurt of activity and enthusiasm, both Susan and Bob have become less-than-ideal employees in less's estimation Within 6 months of his hiring, Bob developed what less considers to be poor work habits (e 9., very long lunches and coffee breaks, tardiness, absenteeism)

Bob demonstrates little interest rn or enthusiasm for his work Although he generally accomplishes, at least in a minimal manner, those tasks that are directly assigned to h m, he rareiy volunteers ideas or takes the initiative. From Jesss perspective, empioyees who take initiative and demonstrate creativity are critical in helping the unit to establish itself politica y and to create a service where none had existed before Susan, on the other hand, has become quite "creative" jn the sense that she has ceased to check with.less (or anyone) on important po cy matters before speaking to external groups and ndiv dua s On several occasions, sne has promised things to representatives of organrzations and to elected officials that the SOS program simply could not deliver On other occasions, she has misrepresented her role as a staff member, instead eav ng the impression that she was directing the unit This has embarrassed Jess and her supervisors more than once Despite Susans apparent desire to be " n the melight" in the political and community arena, she has developed an open disdain for the regularworkload in her area, She routinely msses deadlines and farls to complete important paperwork.

Jess has met with Bob and Susan separately to discuss her drssatrsfactton with their performance Being a matter-of-fact person, Jess simply told them that their work was not up to par and that she expected them to improve. For a week or so, things seemed to get better But the same problems quickly resurfaced.

The other four employees less hired are doing well They have what she considers good work habits: They usually are on trme and are willing to work hard to help the new unit succeed They seem to be eager to do wel She can count on them to complete asstgned tasks and meet deadltnes Each of them, in his or her own way, also has demonstrated a wii ingness to go "above and beyond" and to make posrtve suggestions for mprov ng the operations and services of the unit.

But the problems with Susar and Bob are beg nning to drag down the morale of the other employees and certarnly are caus ng Jess's attitude toward work to suffer less has not ta ked to erther of them about these problems for several weeks because she has not been able to figure out what to do or say But at different times th s morning, both Susan and Bob came to Jesss office asking her to recommend them for promotion to a position that opened up recently in the Child Welfare unit simrlar to SOS less does not know how to handle these requests More troubling, she does not know how to address the longer term problems of motivating all of her employees to do well.

Question 1: Define the problem(s) in this case, usrng as many theories of motivation from this chapter as you thrnk might apply

Question 2: Discuss the practical implications for each of the models you use In other words, what do these models suggest the supervisor should do or say as a consequence of defining the problem from that perspective?

Question 3: What are some of the perspectives on organizational behavior that could explain the apparently high leveJs of motivation among the four employees?

Question 4: What models might explain Jess's motivation?

Question 5: Which of the theories or models do you think fit best with which employees and why?

Question 6: What conclusions can you draw, or what observations can you make, about motivation theory and research?

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Other Management: Case scenario-sos in dhs-a problem of motivation
Reference No:- TGS01774570

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