Case scenario - social equity and the gender pay gap

Assignment Task: The case will be Social Equity and the Gender Pay Gap

Submit the written memo, which should be 3 pages in length.

Written memo

To address each case, the recommended structure and expected responses are listed as below:

  • Basic information (headings). At the beginning of each memo, students must indicate (1) the recipient, (2) the student's role, and (3) the memo's subject.
  • Abstract. An abstract should be the first component of each memo which summarizes the self-selected case, including its background, controversies, analyses, and recommendations
  • Introduction. Students must "briefly" introduce the context of selected case (i.e., background and outcome) and the relevance to the field of public administration.
  • Discussion. This section is the most important section of this memo. Students should clearly indicate those controversial or important issues involved in the selected case. For example, to analyze an initiative of work-from-home policy, students can respectively examine the potential pros and cons.
  • Recommendation. Based on the discussion section, students should provide concrete recommendations for the given case. In addition, these recommendations should also be based on our class readings.
  • References. Students must provide a list of references at the end of each memo, following the APA format to indicate the cited sources. Please use references that can be accessed in the United States that do not have to be paid for and have corrected DOI.

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HR Management: Case scenario - social equity and the gender pay gap
Reference No:- TGS03438874

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