
Case scemnario of celtel international b.v.

Task: Using the case "Celtel International B.V." (Harvard Business School case, no. 9-805-061) address the following:

Problem 1. General analysis: provide a brief synopsis of the case situation, a brief characterization of the country or regional business environment, an identification of the main problem(s) raised in the case, and your general view of possible solutions if any.

Problem 2. Rhodes, one of the founding members of Celtel said: "Yes, Africa posed a unique set of challenges. But it also offered unparalleled opportunities." Describe the challenges Rhodes was referring to and explain how did Celtel overcome them? Can you name a few of the business opportunities in Africa that you think may be potentially successful?

Problem 3. Discuss the differences between building a company in the developed world and doing so in emerging markets and in particular in Africa (including issues around liquidity). Describe Celtel's business practices and economic development in Tanzania if any.

Problem 4. Mohamed was very careful in choosing the members of Celtel Board of Directors. Comment on how critical were the resources that different Board members brought in to make Celtel a successful operation in the African business environment?

Problem 5. Explain how the ethical standard of Celtel (good governance and transparency) may have contributed to the company's growth and operating success. Explore the ways in which it is possible to build significant company with good governance in Africa.

Problem 6. In your opinion, what has Mohamed done well? What could he improve? Why? If you were financial investor, would you fund Celtel? Why or why not?

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Finance Basics: Case scemnario of celtel international b.v.
Reference No:- TGS01813819

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