
Case project - network firewall comparison


Complete Case Project 7-4 found at the end of the Chapter. It is entitled "Network Firewall Comparison". In addition to the instructions given in the project, pick the Network Firewall that you ranked the highest and explain the process you would use to implement it in the business. Use the readings from chapters 27, 39.3 and 63.4 to assist you. You might need to do some additional research. Your assignment should end up being a minimum of one page. Use proper citations and references for any additional support information.

Case Project - Network Firewall Comparison

Use the Internet to identify three network firewalls, and create a chart that compares their features. Note if they are rule-based or application-aware, perform stateless or stateful packet filtering, what additional features they include (IDS, content filtering, etc.), their costs, etc. Which would you recommend? Why?

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Microeconomics: Case project - network firewall comparison
Reference No:- TGS01807343

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