
Case-japanese companies in german

Write a case study report base on case Japanese companies in German.

Write a report on the case you have identified. In writing the report you will have to imagine that you are a management consultant with expertise in cross-cultural issues. Your job is to identify what went wrong( problems) in the management style and decision making process in this context. Use four theoretical perspectives in different models to identify the mistakes that were made.. Recommend how these mistakes can be rectified based on the research literature.

You must have the following sections to your report: (detailed requirement)

Cover page

Executive summary

Introduction: a short summary of the case and your role in the case

Literature review: It should have research and theory write up that relate to the problems you identified in the case. you should first identify the problems and then create the literature review section based on these problems.One theory should relate to one problem.

Analysis of the problem: you should first point out the problems you have identified in this case.

Recommendations:how these mistakes can be rectified based on the research literature but also creative recommendations. It is about tangible solutions.

Summary: a summary of the literature and the problems.

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Other Subject: Case-japanese companies in german
Reference No:- TGS01431484

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