
Case-importance of existing facilities to populace

Case Study:

Write four or five points of a strategic plan for this agency.

I: Michigan Case
Michigan is a state that comprises different language speaking population with English speakers being the majority as 91.11% this is one of the critical forces that the stakeholders cannot avoid because it will dictate how the assessment should be conducted at local and state level. The stakeholders should know these language patterns so that they can identify where and which language to be used (Wang & Burris, 1997). Therefore, the suitable of the assessment in the local, as well as the state level in Michigan, will immensely rely on the fact that the State has diverse language and therefore the cultures and that should be noted. Another factor is the population, Michigan has a population of about 9.9 million people consequently the evaluation should put in mind the number of respondents that are expected to meet. And from the identification of the number, they will go on to deploy both resources and techniques that march up with the amount of the people in the assessment.  The population is a factor in Michigan environments which affects locally, nationally and even internationally when it comes to research or any form of evaluation.

Through the analysis of the current services, the agency can be in a position to decide if the society has needs and opportunities for new services. The societal evaluation will analyze the importance of the already existing facilities to the populace and in case a gap in identifying that the agency feels that the answer is the incorporation of new services then the decision will be made based on the findings from the assessment. The locals bear much information about their community. Therefore, the agency may involve the community through using them to access vital information on the community that will help the assessment (Petty, 1999). Similarly, it is necessary that community members feel part of the assessment and because of that the agency should work with community groups in the assessment this will guarantee the success of the community assessment.
Petty, J. (1999). Participatory appraisal for community assessment: principles and methods
Wang, C. & Burris, M.A. (1997). Photovoice: Concept, methodology, and use for participatory needs assessment

 II: Technology management in California

Technology is a means of communication adopted by almost each and every individual all over the continent because of its simplicity in transmission and relaying of information. California as a state being governed by the governor and other officials duly elected by the citizen who are in need of equal governance, resource and opportunity distribution (Johnston & Marshall, 2016).
The government should set up a communication channel which is cheap and efficient like telecommunication services and public information centers. Since California is state on its own with numerous numbers of social services like public health, electricity, water and sanitation, housing and education (Schwalbe, 2015). This can be achieved through setting up at least a public information center and telecommunication kiosks in each and every region where people can walk in, acquire information on medical health, electricity, water and sanitation among others.

The public information centers main target will be, serving the citizens living around the region far from cities by helping them settle their bills without having to travel to the cities to get help from the social service provider (online banking). Those in rural settings will have to settle their electricity, water and telephone bill from home at their own comfort. If the government takes the obligation of educating and issuing permits to individuals willing to start up small businesses in the villages to continue providing social services to the people hence improving the state's economy (Johnston & Marshall, 2016).

These institutions function efficiently with the help of technology because most of its services are online. If a person is in need of a social service, he or she simply walks to the nearest service provider for information and further directions. This has proven to be very helpful to the whole community in all age groups with majority of youths involved (Schwalbe, 2015). Information technology also gives a person the chance to plan and prepare for any situation or circumstance so that when time comes action, he or she is entirely ready and prepared to face it whole heartedly. Information technology educates a person on many different useful services and apps which simplifies life.

For a developed state like California, I strongly recommend that the government should encourage social services providers to offer their services through cloud computing and websites advertisements for easy access by the citizens. 95% of the state constitutes of youths who are well educated and familiar with the internet together with its products and services so, these institutions should take advantage of this awareness to spread its course and purpose for the development of the community and state in general (Johnston & Marshall, 2016).

Johnston, M. W., & Marshall, G. W. (2016). Sales force management: Leadership, innovation, technology. Routledge.
Schwalbe, K. (2015). Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.

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Reference No:- TGS01949599

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