
Case-haier:pursuing the customer-inspired supply chain

Case Study:Haier


You will review this case and analyze Haier's efforts to ensure an effective and efficient supply chain.

Complete the below:

Review the case study: "Haier: Pursuing the Customer-Inspired Supply Chain," .

Answer the following questions:

Describe the drivers for causing Haier to shut down the company's central warehouse.

Describe what organizational and supply chain strategies Haier has used to become the number-one white-goods brand in China.

Describe Haier's characters and strategies for its successful global and domestic supply chains.

Resaponse should be 2 to 3 double-spaced pages (Body Only) along with a references page.


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Case Study: Case-haier:pursuing the customer-inspired supply chain
Reference No:- TGS01864400

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