Case Study:
Present Illness
Mr. Irving is a 45-year-old African American male who comes in for follow-up of his hypertension. The patient was due back for follow-up 1 month after starting his medication, but he was too busy to come in. He complains of a dry cough that has not responded to over-the-counter (OTC) Robitussin® and that keeps him awake at night. He has been feeling tired for the past few months, but he has attributed that to not sleeping well. He also complains of constipation. He denies chest pain, shortness of breath, edema, change in eating habits or activity patterns, sputum production, postnasal drip, or runny nose.
Medical History
None reported
Family History
Mr. Irving’s mother died at age 65 from a stroke. His father died at age 55 from a heart attack. Mr. Irving’s two brothers are living in good health, although one has high cholesterol.
Daily multivitamin, Lisinopril 10 mg qd, OTC Robitussin®, and OTC stimulant laxatives prn Lisinopril 10 mg qd, beginning 6 months ago
None reported
Social History
He is a divorced father of one who teaches sixth grade.
Patient does not smoke or drink.
Physical Examination
This is a w/n, w/d black male with good eye contact, appropriate speech and mannerisms, appropriately dressed and who states he wants to be seen for control of his blood pressure. He does not have any noticeable rash or excessive dryness of his skin.
HT-6 ft, WT 205 lbs
BP 148/110, P – 80 & regular, BMI 28
Abbreviated exam: Chest CTA, Cardiac NSR without murmurs, abd soft, nontender, liver nonpalpable, nontender, no peripheral edema noted
TSH –5.2 (0.5– 4.5)
Free T4 - 0.8 (0.8-1.7)
Free T3 – 1.8 (2.0-4.8)
Creatinine – 2.1 (0.8 – 1.4)
BUN – 22 (7 – 20)
CMP is otherwise normal.
CBC is normal.
No tests were performed.