
Case-attention millennials! automobile manufacturers adapt

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Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategyby David L. MothersbaughUniversity of Alabamaand Del I. HawkinsUniversity of Oregon

Case: "Attention Millennials! Automobile Manufacturers adapt for you"

1. Chapter  Perception discusses factors that af fect consumerattention. How do the following situational factors play a role in Millennials' attention to Ford's promotions?

a. Clutter

b. Program involvement

2. Chapter Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes discusses appeal characteristics in advertising. Use Google Videos or Google Images to findexamples of the advertisements for the Ford Fie staadvertising campaigns. Evaluate those advertisements based on

a. Appeal characteristics

b. Message structure characteristics

3. Chapter Perception discusses stimulus factor s in  advertising. Use Google Videos or Google Images to findexamples of the advertisements for the Ford Fiesta'sadvertising campaigns. Evaluate those advertisements based on the following stimulus factors:

a. Size

b. Intensity

c. Attractive visuals

d. Color and movement

e. Position

f. Isolation

g. Format

h. Contrast and expectations

i. Interestingness

j. Information quantity

4. Evaluate the information displayed in T ables   Aand B. Imagine you are a marketing managerfor an automobile manufacturer that is targetingMillennials. Your goal is to gain the attention of your target market. Use that information to answer the following questions.

a. According to Table A, which types of me dia areleast likely to be ignored by Millennials?

b. How do the media that  are least likely to  beignored compare with what media other surveysshow Millennials prefer?

c. Assume that television advertising i s a  part of your promotional mix. How would you handlethe fact that a large part of your target market ismultitasking while watching television?

d. Imagine that your target market is a  di fferentdemographic. How would your answers to theprevious parts of this question change?

5. Chapter Learning, Memory, and ProductPositioning  discusses strength of learning. Ford ishoping that Millennials learn that Ford is focusedon their needs and wants. So far, it appears to beworking. Strength of learning is enhanced by thefollowing six factors. Evaluate Ford's marketing to Millennials on these factors.

a. Importance

b. Message involvement

c. Mood

d. Reinforcement

e. Repetition

f. Dual coding

6. Chapter Learning, Memory, and ProductPositionin  g also discusses brand image and productpositioning. Think about Ford and other automobi lemanufacturer's brand images. Then, construct a perceptual map that includes several automobile manufacturers that are targeting Millennials.

7. Chapter Self-Concept and Lifestyle discusses VALS. To which category (ideals, achievement,  self-expression) does Ford's approach appear to be targeted in attracting Millennials? Explain.

Case "Macy's Embraces beacon technology,"

1. Would this shopBeacon tec hnology be best ta rgeted to individuals engaged in the nominal, limited, orextended decision-making process (or more thanone)? Justify your response.

2. Chapter Outlet Selection and Purchase  discusses omni-channel shoppers. Doyou think the benefits  of this technology will outweigh the possible nuisance of push notificationsas they move through the store and simultaneouslyreceive information on their smartphones?

3. Chapter Info rmation Search discusses mobile search and detailsfive segments of mobile phone users. Which ofthese segments do you feel will be most acceptingof shopBeacon technology? Which would be leastaccepting? Why?

4. Chapter Information Search also discusses m arketing strategiesbased on information search patterns. Which of
these s trategies is best complimented by location based technology? (Hint: More than one could becorrect with a logical explanation.) Explain youranswer.

5. Chapter Outlet Selection and Purchase discusses the nature of unplanned purchases. How would Macy's shopBeacon program

a. Planned purchases?

b. Unplanned purchases?

6. Assemble a small group of consumers and conduct a focus group on their perceptions of lo cationbased technology like shopBeacon. Would theydownload the app to engage with it? Would theyopt in for some retailers and not others? Why?Would it play a role in their selection of retailers topatronize?

7. Chapter Learning, Memory, and Product Positionin g discusses brand imag e and product positioning.   Think about Macy's and other departmentstores' brand images. One axis should be high versus low technology adoption. The other axis couldbe any bipolar set of adjectives of your choosing.Then, construct a perceptual map that includes several department stores.

8. Chapter Group Influences on Consumer Behavior discusses types of innovation. Is shopBeacon best  described as a continuous, dynamicallycontinuous, or discontinuous innovation?

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Case Study: Case-attention millennials! automobile manufacturers adapt
Reference No:- TGS02032503

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