
Case analysis-usa today


Case Analysis “ USA Today”.

You have been hired by the company to develop the strategy that will turn this situation around.

Using your SWOT analysis as the foundation for detailed analysis, prepare the following portions of your recommendation to the firm.

Q1. Identify the key/root problem. While there may be several problems and a multitude of symptoms, identify the problem you feel is central to this case. Be sure to describe this in marketing terms and support it with specific data from the case.

Q2. Alternative Solutions. Develop two alternative solutions to the defined problem. This should not be a laundry list of actions one could take to address every symptom, but alternative actions that could correct the problem at hand.

Q3. Identify the pros and cons of implementing each alternative. Clearly articulate the advantages and disadvantage to each of your proposed solutions.

Q4. Proposed Solution to the Problem: Select one of the alternatives and explain why it would be best. Include data from your research (beyond the data in the text) that supports your choice of solutions.

Q5. Recommendations for Implementation: Identify how you propose to implement the selected solution. Include the key factors of marketing, target market, environment, or marketing mix elements (product, price, promotion, or distribution) and what the expected results (positive and negative) might be.

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Other Management: Case analysis-usa today
Reference No:- TGS01851487

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