
Case- phishing scams likely to target corporate info soon

Case - Phishing scams ‘likely to target corporate info soon'

Discussion Question -

1. Which of the following opinions do you agree with? Why?

‘There are those who are very pragmatic and treat security as an opportunity to reap benefits from their investment in solutions. And then there are those who believe that a security breach will never happen to them. They consider security as an expense and treat it as an option.'

2. How could someone steal business secrets by using phishing scams? Provide an example.

Critical Thinking Questions -

3. What security strategies would you implement in your business to protect yourself from phishing scams?

4. Do you believe Australian businesses are prepared against phishing scams? Explain your answer.

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: Case- phishing scams likely to target corporate info soon
Reference No:- TGS02904388

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