
Case - uber driving global disruption provides a succinct



Presentation - A strategic plan should be well-written, balanced, and professional looking. The way in which the report's contents are presented should not lead to doubts about its authority.

  • Flawlessly written or very close to it. Almost, if not entirely, free of typographical, grammatical, syntactical, and punctuation errors. Correct and consistent use of recognized citation style (e.g.. APA).
  • Consistently communicates its content in a clear manner and at an appropriate level. Excellent sentence, paragraph, and sectional structure. Appropriate tone and vocabulary.
  • Report is written for the CEO of the company.
  • Makes extremely effective use of external sources (e.g., quotes, references, interviews) and visual aids (e.g., tables, figures). Avoids overuse of external sources and visual aids.
  • Sources are used to support the student's analysis.
  • Aesthetically impressive. Polished and professional looking. Significant attention given to page layout, fonts, alignment, spacing, colour, and so forth.

Executive Summary - This section should succinctly summarize that which follows.

  • Conveys or summarizes the most important conclusions of each of the sections that follow such that the overall structure of the argument is conveyed.
  • Only the most important and necessary aspects arc presented. Supporting data and examples are used sparingly if at all.
  • Summary could be distributed separately to those needing a less detailed version of the entire report.
  • The tone, clarity, and organization leave the reader with a strong desire to read the rest of the document.
  • The reader is confident that time spent reading the details of the report would he well spent.

Introduction - This section provides the reader with the context required to make sense of what follows. It is a particularly important section when your reader is not familiar with the organization being discussed.

  • Provides a succinct but informative introduction to the organization, its products, and its industry.
  • Focuses on pertinent details. Skips information that is irrelevant in this context or presented elsewhere in the document.
  • Succinctly describes the events or circumstances that justify the preparation of this report.
  • Clearly identifies the limitations of this report. Specifies research or resources that could improve the quality of the analysis and recommendations contained therein.
  • Briefly describes the structure of the remainder of the document.
  • The contents are organized in an extremely effective manner. Information is grouped and sequenced in a reader-friendly manner.

Mandate - This section describes the organization's mandate. It should draw extensively on the material presented.

  • Clearly and competently presents the organization's 1) mission/purpose, 2) vision/goals, 3) values/ethics, and 4) stakeholder analysis.
  • Mandate is internally sound and reflects a deep understanding of the organization's history and circumstances. Analyses each element.
  • Whenever possible, and without being pedantic, uses course concepts to describe, analyze, and illuminate the facts of the case. Arrives at novel insights through systematic application of the concepts and the models of which they are a part.
  • The mandate provides a clear, appropriate, and inspiring statement of the organization's strategic context. Sets clear boundaries with respect to the actions/directions that are (and are not) acceptable for this organization.

External Analysis - This sections identifies the organization's most significant opportunities and threats. It should draw extensively on the material presented.

  • Clearly presents the most significant/material aspects of the external environment in a logical and effective manner. Leaves no doubt that all aspects of the external environment were scrutinized in arriving at the aspects selected for inclusion. Goes into greater depth where appropriate.
  • Makes numerous logical and insightful connections between different aspects of the external environment, Identifies implications and anticipates future developments in arriving at the proposed opportunities and threats. Reveals key patterns and trends in the available information.
  • Whenever possible, and without being pedantic, uses course concepts to describe, analyze, and illuminate the facts of the case. Arrives at novel insights through systematic application of the concepts and the models of which they are a part.
  • Clearly identifies the most significant/material opportunities and threats confronting the organization. Provides a compelling argument for the significance/materiality of each opportunity/threat.

Internal Analysis - This section identifies the organization's most significant strengths and weakness.

  • Clearly presents the most significant/material attributes of the organization in a logical and effective manner. Leaves no doubt that all attributes of the organization were scrutinized in arriving at the attributes selected for inclusion.
  • Makes numerous logical and insightful connections between different aspects of organization. Identifies implications and anticipates future developments in arriving at the proposed strengths and weaknesses,
  • Calculates and analyzes ratios. Reveals key patterns and trends in the available information.
  • Whenever possible, and without being pedantic, uses course concepts to describe, analyze, and illuminate the facts of the case. Arrives at novel insights through systematic application of the concepts and the models of which they are a part.

Strategic Options - This section briefly describes and analyzes three strategies the organization could pursue.

  • The proposed strategies are distinct, complete, and described in sufficient detail to clearly reveal their underlying logic.
  • Includes and makes use of the Hambrick tables.
  • All strategic options are either corporate- or business-level strategies.
  • Provides a balanced assessment of the (dis)advantages of each strategy with emphasis given to its fit with the SWOT analysis of the previous sections.
  • Whenever possible, and without being pedantic, uses course concepts to describe, analyze, and illuminate the facts of the case.
  • Arrives at novel insights through systematic application of the concepts and the models of which they are a part.
  • The proposed strategies are plausible, feasible, novel, and clever responses to the organization's current situation that, to the degree possible, would provide it with a sustainable competitive advantage.

Recommendation and Implementation - This section recommends a strategy and describes how it should be implemented.

  • Identifies the most important changes/steps with respect to implementing the recommended strategy. Addresses the implications for structure, control systems, and culture. Identifies key objectives, milestones, and deliverables. Provides adequate discussion and commentary which develop issues important to implementing this strategy.
  • Anticipates implementation problems and incorporates preventive measures. incorporates interaction effects among the plan's components. Considers long-terms effects and risks and, where appropriate, explains how these can be addressed.
  • Whenever possible, and without being pedantic, uses course concepts to describe, analyze, and illuminate the facts of the case. Arrives at novel insights through systematic application of the concepts and the models of which they are a part.
  • The proposed course of action is a plausible, feasible, and insightful approach to implementing the recommended strategy.

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: Case - uber driving global disruption provides a succinct
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