
Case - dead on arrival or not analyze governor drakes


Questions -

1. Analyze Governor Drake's leadership to determine whether it is charismatic or transformational.

2. What advice would you give Green to deliver "demonstrable results" in turning the Department of Administration around?


Questions -

1. In a council/manager type system of government, the city manager is responsible for the daily operation of the city. To what extent should he be free to reorganize and restructure staff and operations? Should he advise the council first?

2. Given the fact that John was hired with the understanding that he would "not rock the boat," was it ethical for him to accept the job and then engage in a major reorganization?

3. Should Councilman Begley have sought to work with John to reach an understanding or compromise before placing his possible termination on a public document? Could Councilman Begley's action signal to staff that they don't have to respect the decisions of a city manager?

4. Should city employees be able to contact council members about their concerns as citizens, or does their employment with the city constrain their First Amendment rights to free speech and petition of government for redress of grievances?


Questions -

1. What other possible uses could the Family Planning Advocacy Group have in mind? Should Barbara get some clarification from Pam Schrader before the committee proceeds? Which uses would be acceptable, in your opinion? Why?

2. What objections might donors have to LCCAA sharing their information with the Family Planning Advocacy Group, or just sharing the information in general? What about the program participants? Are they as likely to object as the donors? What might their objections be?

3. What expectations would you have regarding the transfer of your contact information among various nonprofit organizations? What standards or procedures would you recommend nonprofits follow when deciding issues like this? Should there be a policy for handling such requests, or should they be handled on a case-by-case basis?

4. What would you suggest to the Finance Committee regarding the Family Planning Advocacy Group's request? How would that affect LCCAA's relationship with the Family Planning Advocacy Group and other partnering organizations? How would that affect LCCAA's relationships with donors and program participants?


Questions -

1. Is Senator Wallis engaging in hypocrisy by slamming the frog study? Is Senator Wallis right in commenting that in politics "what is right and what looks right are often two different things"?

2. Have Senator Wallis's political maneuverings created special challenges for leading her own staff members? Has she explained her rationale to Herbert sufficiently so that he will remain an effective researcher and source of staff support for her?

3. What are the risks involved when politicians employ tactics like Wallis's floor speech? Are there better ways to accomplish her goals?

4. What should Herbert do about his misgivings? Are there any ethical principles that can provide guidance or perspective to him as he sorts out the priorities and actions of Senator Wallis?


Questions -

1. What are the implications of the agency being "way behind" the problem? How likely is a political appointee to "have what it takes" to handle the IT problem? What about Edna Curry? What do her reactions reveal about her level of expertise?

2. Evaluate the pros and cons of housing sensitive information with an agency that is linked to national security agencies. What reactions would you expect from citizens who learn that their information has been compromised? On what basis would the needs of the agency outweigh the interests of the citizens whose information is vulnerable to theft?

3. Critique the attitudes of Arie Shaklar and Royce Calvey. What are their unstated assumptions regarding confidential information? With respect to the laptops, how can their inability to come up with effective solutions be reconciled with their ethical responsibility to protect sensitive information?

4. Should Edna trust Arie's judgment regarding the Chinese? Why or why not?

Case Studies - https://www.dropbox.com/s/mcd3qmzoufrrm13/Case%20Studies.rar?dl=0

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: Case - dead on arrival or not analyze governor drakes
Reference No:- TGS02200724

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