
Casa analysis: manufacturing in the united states


Read the CASE ANALYSIS: Manufacturing in the United States

Write a 5 page paper (1500 or more words) in APA format in response to the questions:

a. Provide an overview of this case analysis; summarize the key points.

b. Using Figure 13.2 (page 321), how does this data support the case analysis.

c. Estimate how these numbers will look over the next 10 years (2009-2018) based

upon what you have read in this unit.

Below is a recommended outline.

2. Cover page (See APA Sample paper)

3. Introduction

a. A thesis statement

b. Purpose of paper

c. Overview of paper

4. Body (Cite sources using in-text citations.)

a. Provide an overview of this case analysis; summarize the key points.

b. Using Figure 13.2 (page 321), how does this data support the case analysis.

c. Estimate how these numbers will look over the next 10 years (2009-2018) based upon
what you have read in this unit.

5. Conclusion - Summary of main points

a. Lessons Learned and Recommendations

6. References - List the references you cited in the text of your paper according to APA format.

(Note: Do not include references that are not cited in the text of your paper) ; CASE STUDY; Manufacturing in the United States; In what year did the United States produce its highest output of manufactured; goods? When asked to a large group, the guesses range from the 1960s to the;1990s. The correct answer is usually? last year.? Figure 13.2 illustrates this by; plotting on the right scale the real value added in manufacturing, 1960? 2008.; Given that a recession began in 2008, there was a slight downturn since manufacturing is sensitive to the business cycle. As the graph shows, however, there is a; long-run upward trend in manufacturing output that is interrupted briefly by the; occasional recession.; The left scale shows manufacturing employment. Employment peaked in 1979 at; 19,426,000, and began a long-run decline after that. In 1980 the United States; entered a mild recession, and then a more severe one in 1981?1982. Manufacturing; employment recovered some of its losses in 1984, but continued its trend downward. ; Within the story of the growth of manufacturing output, there are a couple; of other stories not directly shown in the graph. First, there is the story of; manufacturing relocation within the United States. Traditional industrial states in the north central part of the United States, such as Ohio and; Michigan, have seen many jobs leave for other parts of the country. Some; jobs have gone overseas, but quite a few have also gone to southern states; such as South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. When coupled with the overall; decline in the total number of jobs, the plight of older manufacturing states; has been grim. This has also contributed to the mistaken perception that the; United States no longer has a vibrant manufacturing sector, but the story of; Figure 13.2 is that the United States continues to produce a large and grow-;ing quantity of manufactured goods.; The second story is the rapid increase in productivity in the manufacturing; sector. Fewer workers but more output means each worker is producing more; and output per hour worked in manufacturing has increased at a very rapid rate.; This has occurred in part through the application of new technologies and new; processes, and while productivity growth speeds up and slows down, it is usually ; much more rapid in manufacturing than in services or agriculture. Hence, even if; we consume the same quantity of manufactured goods, we would expect a; smaller share of the labor force to produce them for us.

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Microeconomics: Casa analysis: manufacturing in the united states
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