"Cars Becoming Weapon of Choice" reported on the situation in Iraq as of January 2005: "There were two car bombs on the last days of June, 11 in July and 12 in August. The numbers then surged, with 26 in September, 43 in October, and 48 in November. December saw 27, and January is averaging about one a day-a dozen in the first 11 days." The article mentions that "those bombs killed about 1,000 people, both Iraqis and Americans, and wounded twice as many."27
a. Sketch a time series plot of the data for June through December 2004.
b. Explain how a prediction for January 2005 would differ, depending on whether it was based on the most recent trend in the time series plot or based on a regression line for the data.
c. What was the average number of people killed in each of those 181 car bombings?