Meadowfoam. Carry out a lack-of-fit F -test for the regression of number of flowers on light intensity and an indicator variable for time, using the data in Display 9.2 (data file case0901): (a) Fit the regression of flowers on light and an indicator variable for time D 24, and obtain the analysis of variance table. (b) Fit the same regression except with light treated as a factor (using 5 indicator variables to distinguish the 6 groups), and with the interaction of these two factors, and obtain the analysis of variance table. (c) Perform an extra-sum-of-squares F -test comparing the full model in part (b) to the reduced model in part (a). (Note: The full model contains 12 parameters, which is equivalent to the model in which a separate mean exists for each of the 12 groups. No pattern is implied in this model. See Displays 9.7 and 9.8 for help.)