The development of advertising objectives is a difficult but necessary task as without objectives, knowing whether the campaign was effective is impossible. Read through the following scenarios and develop 2-3 advertising objectives for each of the following scenarios. Explain the reasons for your objectives
- Carman's, a well-known brand of natural wholesome food products, are launching a new range of muesli bars. These bars, which come in a 4 different flavours, are oats-based and baked in the oven They want to promote these to their existing target market.
- Mountain Goat Beer have experienced a sales decline over the past year as more boutique beers are launched. Their target market hasn't changed neither has their product so an advertising campaign is needed.
- Vinnies have retail outlets around Australia selling pre-owned/pre-loved goods. Brand recognition is high and many people already shop at Vinnies however customers are often embarrassed to admit that they've purchased something from an 'op shop.