Various Dividends:
Carlyon Company listed the following equity items on December 31, 2012:
During 2013, the following transactions occurred:
Required: Journal Entries:
Feb 2
Dividends Payables Preferred $___________
Dividends Payables Common $____________
Cash $_____________
March 5
Investment in Man company bonds $ ____________
Gain on Disposal of Investments $________________
Retained Earnings $______________
Property Dividend Payable $__________________
April 5
Property dividend Payable $________________
Investment in Man company bonds $_________________
July 6
Retained Earnings $ ______________
Dividends Payable;Common $_________________
Dividends Payable;Preferred $_________________
August 17th
Dividends Payable Common $_______________
Dividends Payable Preferred $_______________
Cash $________________
October 15th
REtained Earnings $_______________
Common Stock to be Dist $_________________
Addit'l Paid in capital from stock dividend $_________________
December 3
Common Stock to be distributed $__________________
Common Stock $10 Par $________________
December 28th
Retained Earnings $_________________
Dividends Payable;Common $________________
Dividends Payable;Preferred $________________