
Careful scrutiny and constructive criticism are an integral

Careful scrutiny and constructive criticism are an integral part of the scientific process. Publishing a research paper in a peer-reviewed journal is just one of many steps in the process of scientific inquiry. Students, however, commonly perceive the publication of a scientific research article as the end of scientific inquiry. On the contrary, one of the key features of the scientific process comes after publication, namely how the science community responds to claims put forth by scientists. The science community examines research articles carefully for errors in assumptions, procedure, logic, and conclusions drawn. Scrutinizing the ideas and work of other scientists is an important communication skill for students to learn because it is a critical step in the process of scientific inquiry.

Read the complete article once to get an overview of the paper's purpose.
Malaria continues to select for sickle cell trait in Central Africa located at the following link.

Once to get an overview of the paper's purpose. Then, read it again, but this time with a critical eye. focus efforts on critically evaluating the Introduction and Methods sections, focuses on the Results and Discussion. then to work to synthesize your analysis into a cohesive essay in which you address many of the following questions

Does the author express a clear purpose for his/her scientific reasoning?
Is the objective of the experiment or of the observations made important for the field?

2.Statement of Problem:
State in your own words the question being pursued by the author?
How can you further subdivide the original question into smaller questions?

· What assumptions has the author made?
· Are these assumptions justifiable? Why or why not?

· Are there errors in the procedure outlined by the author?
· What changes, if any, would you make to the experimental design?

· To what degree is the data collected accurate, clear, and relevant to the question under study?

· To what degree does the data generated support the claim(s) being made?
· What scientific theories and concepts support the reasoning?

· What are the implications and consequences of this research?

8.Point of View:
· What is the author's point of view?
· How is the point of view expressed by the author scientific?
· From what other points of view could the investigation be done?

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Biology: Careful scrutiny and constructive criticism are an integral
Reference No:- TGS01266404

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