
Career planning resume worksheet

Life Situation    Financial Data

Single     Monthly Income $1,750
Age 21    Living Expenses $1,210
No dependents Personal Property $7,300
College Student    Savings $2,000
Student Loan $3,000
Credit Card Debt $2,400

Shelby Johnson's current employment position, a grooming specialist for a local pet store, provides her with a lot of interesting activities each day. While she is not part of management, she does have the opportunity to use various communication skills, record business transactions, and use current technology tools. Shelby especially enjoys working with the pets and their owners to achieve a pleasing experience.
Her income is based on an hourly wage which can result in financial stress during times of inflation. She has previously used her credit cards to help make ends meet each month. However, the experience she is gaining will be especially valuable when she opens her own pet salon in the future.


Q1. What suggestions do you think Shelby should consider related to her current and future career activities?

Q2. Describe show Shelby might use the following personal Financial Planner sheets for career planning Resume Worksheet and Preparing for an interview.

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Other Management: Career planning resume worksheet
Reference No:- TGS02062408

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