
Career development theories with human service theories

Discussion 1:

Compare and contrast career development theories with human service theories. Address the following: Do you see any similarities between career development models and human service theoretical models? How are the theories similar and how are they different? Provide feedback and comments to at least one peer. Be specific. Give examples.

Peer response:

Career development theories focus on developing in your career such as personality traits, career choices, etc. It deals with how certain personality types fair in certain jobs. For example a person with a Thinker mindset would not do well in a sales environment because a thinker does well in math and sciences. Human service theories address emotional, mental, physical needs in regards to giving good service.

Discussion 2:

Share your thoughts about your personal value system. What people, beliefs, philosophies, things and morals do you value? How does your value system fit into your career selection? Is your value system compatible with your career path? Compare you response with a peer. Be specific. Give examples. Provide feedback and comments.

Peer response:

I would say that my key values are professional development, self-reflection, and making educated decisions. By pushing me to continually assess my decisions and actions to make sure they are in line with my personal and professional beliefs, these values help me make decisions about my life. Regarding possible career pathways, these values prompt me to look for positions that require me to make well-informed judgments as well as possibilities for ongoing learning and development. I also find that coaching and mentoring people is a career choice.

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Other Subject: Career development theories with human service theories
Reference No:- TGS03388738

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