
care of eyes -1 eyes


1.       Eyes should be periodically examined in children.

2.       While reading the paper should be held 36 cm. away from eyes and preferable at an angle of 45-70o from the horizontal.

3.       Light must be proper at the time of reading & writting to avoid extra strain. Light should perfectly come from left side not from the front.

4.       Small prints that strains the eyes should be avoided.

5.       Eyes should be protected from dust, smoke, poisonous gases & very strong light.

6.       To remove foreign objects such as dust, coal or sand particles, or hay pieces or small insects. Do not rub the eyes, wash with water gently.

7.       Nothing should be put into the eyes with out physician advice.

8.       A child with sore eyes should not be sent to the school as infection can be spread to other children.

9.       Separate napkins / handkerchiefs should be used for infectious person.

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Biology: care of eyes -1 eyes
Reference No:- TGS0172483

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