
care and preservation of library materialsas


As should not be shelved too tightly nor too loosely. The former damages the binding en other books are forceful inserted and  the latter causes larger books to sag and to strain sewing. The public will also not  respect books or keep them  carefully if the staff are seen throwing books carelessly into heaps, or casually dropping them on the floor. A frequently overlooked point is the need for caution in opening new or newly bound books. If these books are too abruptly opened the glue on the spine or even the stitches will be strained and permanent weakness will result.  

An important aspect of stock management is knowledge of conservation methods and preservation of library material. Conservation includes: 

i) Prevention of deterioration and restoration of deteriorated library material, and 

ii) Treatment, storage and handling techniques to ensure that the material remains in current state of preservation. 

Manhandling, clumsy or excessive photocopying, injudicious rebinding and improper storage condition do great harm to the library stock. More than the library user it is the lower grade stay who due to lack of essential knowledge and careless handling inflict great amount of injury to library stock.  

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Management Theories: care and preservation of library materialsas
Reference No:- TGS0177340

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