
Carbohydrate recommendation for endurance event - explain

Exercise and Sport Science Fact Sheet Instructions

This assignment is designed to achieve two goals; to teach you how to plan an assignment and for you to learn about how exercise and sport science can be used in a practical way.We want you to develop the habit of planning your assignments and working on them over several weeks, rather than rushing them in a few days. By planning your assignments and allocating time to work on them, you are more likely to achieve higher marks. It is common practice for professionals to have a plan to complete their reports and projects, so it is a good skill for you to develop now.

Step 1.
- Choose one of the following questions (below) as the topic for your assignment.
- Your assignment will provide a comprehensive summary of the relevant issues pertaining to your chosen topic.
- This assignment is intended to be in a relatively brief format that a practicing Exercise or Sport Scientist would find useful to read.
- You may include a figure (diagram or chart) in your assignment if it aids your explanations. However, if the figure is too large and significantly reduces (i.e. >100 words) the amount of text in the assignment, you may lose marks for this.
- The information you provide in your assignment must be supported by relevant research-based literature (primarily text books and research articles). A minimum of 5 references are required. Avoid relying on websites for your references. Use the Harvard referencing style.
- You do not need a cover page.
- The assignment should be ~800 words and no more than 2 pages.
- Use normal page margins, a font size of 10-11 and line spacing of 1.0 - 1.5
- Please refer to the marking scheme on CloudDeakin to see how and where marks will be allocated.
- By the end of class of week 3,submit a simple Word document via turn it inthat indicates your assignment topic and includes a timeline when each stage of the project will be completed.

Step 2.
- By the end of class of week 5,submit a word document in via turn it inthat describes the content of each paragraph of the assignment and any figures that will be included. It also should provide a preliminary list of articles and books that will be used to write the assignment.

Step 3.
- By the end of class of week 8,submit adraft of your assignment via turn it in that is at least 50% complete.

Step 4.
- By the START of class of week 10, upload a complete version of your assignmentvia turn it in on moodle.

Assignment Topic List

- The effect of resistance training on muscle anatomy and function
o Describe what is known about the effect of resistance (weight) training on the structure of muscle cells and function of the neuromuscular system. Include a description of the time line of these changes, any relationships between the type of training and the type of adaptions and how this knowledge can be used for the benefit of one's health and/or performance in sport

- The effect of aging on walking gait
o Describe the changes in walking gait that typically occur as we age. Explain the reasons for these changes and the impact of these changes on one's ability to walk effectively and safely. Discuss any strategies that might be used to mitigate (delay, avoid or compensate for) the effects of aging on gait.

- The carbohydrate requirements for endurance events
o Describe the dietary carbohydrate requirements of endurance athletes, with respect to their training and competition. Describe the underlying physiology that explains their reliance on carbohydrates. Include recommendations about what type and when carbohydrates should be consumed, in order to optimise performance. Describe and explain the effect and benefits of a carbohydrate loading plan.

- The benefits of continuous versus interval training
o Define each type of training and contrast the physiological adaptations that are known to occur. Make recommendations about which type of training is more or less appropriate for different types of sports.

- The importance of random practice on motor learning (skill acquisition)
o Describe random practice and explain the effect is thought to have on the process of skill acquisition. Describe the benefit/s it may provide and describe any other strategies that are known to enhance the process of skill acquisition.

- The benefits of arousal control for performance in sport
o Define arousal, as it occurs in sport, and explain the factors that affect its magnitude (level). Explain the relationship arousal has with performance and the strategies that can be used to control (increase and decrease) one's arousal levels. Where there are multiple strategies, attempt to rank them by effectiveness.

Selected Topic ''carbohydrate recommendation for endurance event''

Structure of assignment will be

- Paragraph 1
explain the general use and performance of carbohydrate level to endurance event and evidences.
Important of carbohydrate and could improve event performance.

- Paragraph 2
Explain about importantof carbohydrate and what food contain it
Describe the regulation about the use of carbohydrate in endurance event.

- Paragraph 3
Describe some result of 1-3 studies that assessed the effect of carbohydrate level on the event

- Paragraph 4
Describe the carbohydrate performance in the body during endurance event

- Paragraph 5
Make statement that provide a conclusion about whether carbohydrate level and important for endurance event or not.

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Biology: Carbohydrate recommendation for endurance event - explain
Reference No:- TGS02613312

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