Bernini and Caravaggio.
Bernini had a great influence on the development of Roman architecture and sculpture. He is generally considered to be the original Baroque artist. He was one of the most prominent architects of his time who was well-known in the precise outlines of the building's front façade, focusing more on the forms of the Renaissance era, and in harmony with the sculpture and architecture. His sculptures are distinguished by their dynamics, agility, shade and light, and gesture emotion.
One of his notable works is The Rape of Proserpina. The sculpture created in 1621-1622. Bernini was only twenty-three years old. It is located in Borghese Gallery. The theme is taken from the ancient Greek mythology. It is the moment when Hades (god of underworld) kidnaped the Proserpina, daughter of Zeus and Demetr (Godden of agriculture).
Caravaggio is also one of the main artist in that time period, one of the greatest baroque representatives in the field of painting. He was painting in deferent genres. Biblical themes were dominated in his works. He used the contrast of color and light very skillfully.
One of his masterpieces is the Judith Beheading Holofornes. The artist has presented this biblical scene in a special way, where a Jewish women named Judith seduces and kills Holofornes, who was capture her country.