
car rental system this system tracks cars in

Car Rental System
This system tracks cars in a rental company. Each car has a number (assume its plate number), type (small car, four wheel car), and status (rented, available). The main interface of the system as follows:

1- Add new car
2- Rent a car
3- Generate report for all cars
4- Generate report for small cars
5- Generate report for four wheel car
6- Exit

Add new car
When the user chooses 1, the program should perform the following tasks:

a. Create/open a cars’ file (call it cars.txt) in append mode.

b. Allow the user to enter the car number, type, and status.

c. Write to the cars file: the car number, the car type, and the car status.

d. Keep asking the user if (s)he want to add new car or to return to main menu.

[hint: car type can be represented internally as 1 for small cars, 2 for 4-wheel ones].

Rent a car
When the user chooses 2, the program should perform the following tasks:
a. The system asks user to choose car type. If there is no car available of that type, system displays message “No car available”. If there are many available cars of that type, it chooses one based on rule first entered first reserved.
b. That chosen car is marked unavailable.
c. Then systems asks user to enter number of days to rent that car. System calculates fees as follows :
o Rate is QR70 per day for small car, and QR100 for 4wheel cars.
o If customer rents a car for 7 to 30 days, he gets 5% discount.
o If customer rents a car for more than 30 days, he gets 10% discount.
Generate report for all cars
When the user chooses 3, the program should perform the following tasks:

a. Read the cars file. [The program can load the data that is read from the data file into arrays].

b. Count the number of available small cars and the number of available 4-wheel cars.
c. Generate a screen report that prints the information for each car. The screen report should also print the number of available cars(small and 4-wheel).

Generate report for small cars
When the user chooses 4, the program should perform the same tasks of choice 3, but for small cars only.

Note that the program can read from the car file [or from the loaded arrays].

Generate report for 4-Wheel cars
When the user chooses 5, the program should perform the same tasks of choice 4, but for 4-Wheel cars only.

When the user chooses 6, the program should end. Otherwise, your program should be user friendly and always loop back to the main menu after completing a choice.

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C/C++ Programming: car rental system this system tracks cars in
Reference No:- TGS0179305

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