
Capstone project-resolve contemporary social-criminal issue

The main focus of the capstone project is to resolve a contemporary social and criminal justice issue via the application of information from a variety of associated fields, which might comprise sociology, law, psychology, and ethics. In developing a proposed solution to the modern social and criminal justice issue, you are encouraged to use scholarly and primary sources, multimedia and interviews with professionals in the field (if possible) to recognize and devise a workable plan.

Within the Final Capstone Project, complete the given:

a) Identify a clear thesis statement to address your preferred criminal and social justice issue.

b) Summarize your selected social and criminal justice issue.

c) Sugest the resolution to the social and criminal justice issue.

d) Examine the operations of criminal justice system as it relates to your selected issue and resolution. This might comprise operations related to crime scene investigation methods and security; the collection, preservation and presentation of evidence; and processes associated to correctional institutions, incarceration, and release.

e) Analyze how the criminal and social justice theories (in relation to United States Constitution) and landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions impact your chosen issue and support your resolution.

f) Describe how social and criminal justice systems promote social equality and fairness for all and how this impacts your issue and resolution. Consider how poverty, racism and religion apply to the contemporary social and criminal justice.

g) Evaluate how the centralization of criminal justice agencies in the United States, The Patriot Act, the U.S. Homeland Security Act, and international features of social and criminal justice impact your issue and resolution.

h) Identify and explain at least two careers in criminal justice (existing or to-be-created) for agencies which might be included in addressing the issue and resolution you have chosen.

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