
Capillary pressure and wettability in the reservoir fluids

Question 1) What do you mean by capillary pressure and wettability in the reservoir fluids? Explain their effects on oil and gas displacement in the reservoirs.

Question 2) Explain the characteristics of water drive and gas cap drive. Describe, in detail, the mechanism of working of the water drive during flow of fluids and gases in a reservoir.

Question 3) Describe and differentiate between saturated and undersaturated reservoirs; and also volumetric and non-volumetric reservoirs.

Question 4) Write short notes on the following:

a) Specific gravity of gases and their effects on reservoir conditions.

b) Compressibility of reservoir fluids.

c) Application of diffusivity equation.

d) Geothermal gradient and temperature measurement in the reservoir.

e) Formation of emulsions in reservoirs.

Question 5) Explain in detail, the pressure conditions around a well bore and describe the effects of permeability on the reservoir pressure.

Question 6) Describe, in detail, how gas-in-place is calculated by volumetric method for a gas reservoir.

Question 7) What is the significance of PVT studies? Describe how PVT data is evaluated to understand the reservoir condition.

Question 8) Write notes on the following questions:

a) Unit recovery and recovery factor.

b) Oil reservoir under Dissolved gas drive.

c) CHDT.

d) Radial flow of compressible fluid and its use in reservoir studies

e) Effect of casing and channel leak on reservoir pressure conditions.

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Other Engineering: Capillary pressure and wettability in the reservoir fluids
Reference No:- TGS05332

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