
Capability of the tort of trespassing


Can anyone help me with these two questions please; I need a point of view.

Read this case please: Derek Dirt operates a home-based business selling herbs and supplements. He receives samples frequently and is constantly discarding unwanted samples, as well as packaging, old files, and other junk on a back yard trash heap that accumulates between trash pick-ups. Little Wendy Wanderer, age five, who lives next door, sees what, to her, promises to be a nice toy among Derek's trash. Upon coming closer, she is bitten by a rat. Wendy screams and then faints. Her nearby mother calls an ambulance which, on the way to the scene, jumps a curb and strikes Paul Pedestrian, seriously injuring him. Wendy requires a series of rabies shots. Except for some bad dreams, she apparently recovers. Derek and Wendy are both citizens and residents of Ohio. Paul, who is a citizen and resident of Texas, was visiting friends in Ohio when he was struck by the ambulance.

1. Was this an attractive nuisance? Explain.

2. Do you think that Wendy is capable of the tort of trespassing? Explain.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Business Law and Ethics: Capability of the tort of trespassing
Reference No:- TGS01973891

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