
Cannabis has known to have healing properties the most

Abhay Oberoi

Topic: The importance of Marijuana

Specific Purpose: Cannabis has known to have healing properties; the most important of its healing properties is pain and stress relieving. Governments around the world have banned cannabis because of tis high potential to be abused or used for recreational purposes. Although now it's medical properties are outweighing its high risk of abuse.

This green revolution is states in the United States allowing the legalization of cannabis for recreational use.

Thesis Statement: As of 2017 the state of Massachusetts legalized the use of cannabis for recreational use, in the last year along more then 8 states is in America have legalized the use of cannabis for recreational purpose. State government have understood they can stand to make more money by taxing cannabis the estimated before. The war on drugs is over.

Introduction:Cannabis, Marijuana, Ganja or Mary Jane are a few names you would hear growing up. But do you actually know what Cannabis is or what is that actually get you high and why people are realizing the potential rush this might create, could honestly rival that of tobacco in the early 17 century.

More and more people are finding ways to make money in this fast growing industry. The only problem is the sentiment attached to cannabis needs to change for the industry realize its true potential and for the federal government to legalize it.


I. What is Cannabis?

A. Cannabis is plant, which can found naturally growing in regions across the globe.

B. This plant contains a natural element called THC orTetrahydrocannabinol and is responsible for your high.

C. Your body naturally produces an element like THC to help maintain your body's health and stability. (Leafly)

D. The main way to use Cannabis is like tobacco is to smoke it, now you ingest it through food laced with it or even THC pills.

II. Medical Properties of Cannabis.

A. Cannabis has host of healing properties and can be used by individuals suffering from a host of different diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and many others.

B. This because the THC in the cannabis helps bind the receptors to the nerves to help reduce pain and also seizures.

C. Recently a woman published a book about how cannabis saved her 7 years old live.

D. Cannabis is less likely to cause addiction then most of the pain medication prescribed by doctors today.

E. Although there is a reason why it's still banned in most countries around the world.

III. Changing the Sentiment attached to Cannabis.

A. The first thing hear about Cannabis is that its bad for you and it's a gateway drug.

B. This not entirely true, cannabis has existed for a longtime yet there only few studies related to it out in the world.

C. A person who is high is likely to get into accident or fight then one intoxicated on alcohol.

D. States, which legalized Cannabis, have seen a rise in revenue and decline in number of arrests.

E. The growth potential in this industry is extremely high and there is still a long way to go.

IV. Can't ignore the negative side of the drugs as well.

A. Studies have found that long-term use can let to dependency on the drugs.

B. Although the case of cannabis overdose or deaths related to it are next to zero.

C. In people using to for recreational purpose it can lead to short-term memory loss.

D. Can also led to Paranoia or severe case of anxiety when high.

E. Decline in level of intelligence.

F. And it causes you to go broke because it is expensive.


Cannabis has many critics and many of you by now are judging me thinking this just another stoner coming up here to talk about his love. That is not true; there have been many signs that of green revolution which coming.

There are high profit margins, as you plant a seed in your house for next to nothing. This way many farmers call it the Cash crop and businessmen are now trying to sell all the equipment you need to grow the drug.

Cannabis has many properties and is a naturally occurring substance like tobacco and thus should be given the same treatment any product would without any prejudices or bias


Lland, R. (2016, December 02). What is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)? Retrieved April 04, 2017, from


Loria, K., & Walsh, J. (2014, April 20). 23 Health Benefits Of Marijuana. Retrieved April 03, 2017, from


Ingraham, C. (2016, October 13). Here's how legal pot changed Colorado and Washington. Retrieved April 4, 2017, from


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Dissertation: Cannabis has known to have healing properties the most
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