
Candidates who are not currently employed are required to

Assessment 1: Prepare and Manage Meetings

For this assessment candidates are required to prepare for a meeting to be conducted in their workplace.

Candidates who are not currently employed are required to prepare for a meeting to be conducted in a simulated workplace (classroom).


• If - you are completing this assignment at your workplace, identify a meeting to conduct in your workplace.

• If - you are completing this assignment in a simulated workplace (classroom) outside the workplace, choose one of the following meetings to conduct in a simulated workplace.

a) Agree on a business retreat destination from the following list.

1. Fiji

2. Noosa

3. Melbourne.

b) Develop a fire evacuation plan and procedure for a simulated business.

c) Agree on a cleaning procedure for a simulated business.

1. Complete submission form - Appendix 1

2. Complete meeting requirements - Appendix 2

3. Develop the meeting agenda / minutes - Appendix 3

4. Prepare meeting papers - You must have at least one

5. Prepare an action plan - Appendix 4

Assessment 2: Conduct Meetings

This Assessment continues and builds upon the work completed in Assessment 1.

In this assessment you are required to conduct the meeting that you planned in Assessment Task 1.


1. Access the action plan developed in Assessment 1.

2. Ensure all tasks have been completed and you are ready to chair and conduct the meeting.

3. Nominate a minute taker brief them on your requirements regarding the meeting and contents of the minutes. Give them a copy of the agenda and minutes template.

4. Conduct and chair the meeting according to the Agenda and your meeting style eg formal / information, consultation process, timing etc

5. During the meeting you must;

a. resolve at least one issue using a problem-solving technique

b. make a decision using a logical decision-making process which you must document.

6. After the meeting;

• Ask attendees to complete ‘Meeting Participant Evaluation Form'

In Appendix 2.

• Ask the minute taker to complete the ‘Minute Taker Evaluation Form' in Appendix 3.

Please submit the following to your trainer.

Assessment 2 Submission Form - Appendix 1

Participant Evaluation Form' - Appendix 2

Minute Taker Evaluation Form' - Appendix 3

For those completing this assessment outside the workplace, submit a copy of the meeting guidelines you developed with your meeting participants.

Assessment 3: Distribute Minutes & Review Meeting Process

This Assessment continues and builds upon the work completed in Assessment 1 and Assessment 2.

In this assessment you are required to review and distribute the minutes of the meeting to the participants and report on the meeting outcome.


1. Obtain a copy of the meeting minutes prepared by the minute-taker of your meeting conducted in Assessment 2.

2. Check the minutes for accuracy including spelling, grammar and correct use of the template provided.

3. Detail your strategy for distributing and storing these minutes.

4. Complete - Appendix 1

5. Prepare a one page summary regarding the meeting and the meeting process. State positive and negative aspects of the meeting and suggestions for improvement in the planning, process and outcome stages.

Please submit the following to your trainer for assessment.

• Submission Form - Appendix 1

• One-page meeting review.

Attachment:- Assessment Appendix.rar

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Business Management: Candidates who are not currently employed are required to
Reference No:- TGS02722599

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