
Can you think of some movies - that take place in

Part 1:

The following questions are based on what you know or like about Children's Literature. Answer the questions completely.

What does the term "fairy tale" mean to you? Can you remember the first fairy tale you heard or read? What did you like or dislike about it?

What is your favorite fairy tale? Why do you think you remember it so well?

Why do you think fairy tales have endured for so long?

What makes a great fairy tale?

Can you think of some movies - that take place in modern-day times - that could actually be examples of fairy tales?

Are there television shows on-the-air - animated or live action - that have fairy tale elements, or have had an episode that seemed to incorporate a mix of fantasy and reality?

Part 2:

For this story, I need for you to come up with at least 5 questions and the answers to the question. Imagine that you were a reporter, if you could interview the main characters in the story, what questions would you ask.

Below are some sample questions:

Interview Questions for Little Red Riding Hood

1. Didn't your Mother tell you not to talk to strangers ?

2. Why didn't you listen to your Mother?

3. What were you doing in the woods by yourself?

Interview Questions for Mother

1.Why didn't you visit your own mother when she was sick ?

2. Did you know there was a wolf near your house? Would you still send Little Red Riding Hood to visit Granny?

Interview Questions for Interview Questions for the Wolf

1.Why didn't you eat Little Red Riding Hood when you first saw her?

2. Where did you come from? Are you male or female?

3. How did you learn to talk?

Interview Questions for Interview Questions for Granny

1. What are you sick from?

2. How did it feel to be in the wolf's stomach?

3. How old are you?

Part 3:

The Brother's Grimm - Rumpelstiltskin

- Where did this story take place? Is this a story from present day? Why not?

- Name the characters in the story? Who are the two main characters?

- What happened first in the story? Second? Next....

- Where did the king's mother lock Esmerelda?

- What is a spinning wheel?

- Can straw turn into gold?

- What did Esmerelda have to do in order to keep her baby?

- How did Esmerelda find out the little old man' name?

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Dissertation: Can you think of some movies - that take place in
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