
Can you think of any ways in which the relationship between

Compare and contrast the views of James Bryce and Morton Grodzins regarding the relationship between the states and the federal government, Which is more accurate description of federalism today?

Can you think of any ways in which the relationship between the states and the federal government might be improved?

my classmate example:

As we have known, there were 2 models of the government relationships in the federalism system: the dual federalism and the cooperative federalism. The two models are opposite to each other in the way they work. James Bryce supported for the Dual federalism; on the other hand, Morton Grodzins was on the side of the cooperative federalism.

In the view of James Bryce, the dual federalism was the system in which the states and national government were divided clearly in their authorities.

This could be restated that, " authority between the two levels of U.S government, national and state, could be treat equally, live together equally, and hold roughly equal authority." The dual federalism was also named as "the layer cake" which described the image of an obvious separation between state and federal duties. So, the relationship between federalism and state is characterized by the tension more than the cooperation.

Bryce also pointed out, "They argue, not merely that the best way on the whole is to leave a State to itself, but that this is the only way in which a permanent cure of its diseases will be affected." From these terms, thefederalism was charged with the national issues such as: building the economy, dealing with foreign policy while the state was responsible for issues regarding as the state economic regulation, the local matters and criminal law.

In contrast, Morton Grodzins trusted the cooperative federalism. This form was developed in 1930s in the Great Depression period. At this time, the Federalism New Deal required states to cooperate with federal programs, worked together to solve the problems and achieve more success as well. Grodzins concluded that "the Constitution decentralized power.

The Supreme Court has allowed Congress to have a relatively free hand." He suggested that the national and state governments were like a "Marble Cake" in which the layers were mixed together. It was the metaphor of the interdependent relationship of Federalism and State. Base on this view, the national government and state governments did not confront each other, instead of they were willing to pursue the same goals.

In my opinion, the federalism system today is characterized by the Cooperative federalism. We can see that both the states and federalism now are almost balanced and work well in their parts to control our country. Sharing the power between the Federal Government and States Governments not only protect well all the rights the citizens but also bring more equality and benefits as well.

For example, if there was not a federalism government in which the currency is unified, how our economy runs well? I strongly believe that applying the "Marble Cake" form to the relationship between state and federalism can maintain and promote the balanced of federal system.

It is obvious that the State and Federal governments affect our lives in many ways. So, how to retain the good balance of power between the two organizations is always a big issue that government needs to face.

There should be a special designing Federal- State Government program that carries a flexibility and innovation to adopt immediately for our continuously changing of the society. And there could be a second Supreme Court which can help to solve the disagreement between State and Federal government.

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Dissertation: Can you think of any ways in which the relationship between
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