
Can you please discuss one ldquoturning pointrdquo from

Becoming a Reflective Practitioner

Can you please discuss one “turning point” from your experience from some part of your life. Use the KolbModel ( David Kolb)to review this “turning point”. Format this post with each aspect of the Kolb Model as a bulleted heading:

Experience: Describe the experience

Reflection: When you reflect on this experience, what feelings did it evoke? How was it similar/different from other experiences? What patterns did you see? What issues emerged?

Concepts: What did you learn from this experience? To make the concept clear for the group, find a contemporary article or video that reinforces this particular idea and reference that source here so classmates can find it and read or watch it. Explain how the article clarifies what you have learned?

Application:  How can you apply what you learned from this experience to your current project work? Be specific.

required texts:

Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. (2012) The Leadership Challenge Workbook. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA. (Available through Amazon)

Heagney, Joseph (2012).  Fundamentals of Project Management, 4th edition, Amacom, New York, N.Y.

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Operation Management: Can you please discuss one ldquoturning pointrdquo from
Reference No:- TGS01622411

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