
Can you picture their monster based on the description

Assignment task:

1) First on paper, draw a monster. But don't post your drawing!

2) Then, write an detailed 2 paragraph description of your monster with so much specific detail that someone could draw your monster based on just your written description and details.  This is great showing and concrete details practice--make them be able to picture and draw your monster using only your words!

Peer Feedback--for two people of your choice--(though make sure one of them is someone who doesn't have feedback yet), answer these questions:

Q1) Can you picture their monster based on their description?

Q2) Can you draw it based on their description? Why or why not?

Q3) What would make the monster even more easy to picture--what could be added to their description?

Q4) optional--bonus, draw their monster and upload the image.

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Other Subject: Can you picture their monster based on the description
Reference No:- TGS03370260

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