can you list out some of enhancements in verilog

Can you list out some of enhancements in Verilog 2001?

In  earlier  version  of  Verilog,  we  use  'or'  to  specify  more  than  one  element  in  sensitivity  list.  In Verilog 2001, we can use comma as represented in the illustration below.

// Verilog 2k example for usage of comma

always @ (i1,i2,i3,i4)

Verilog  2001  allows  us  to  use  star  in  sensitive  list  rather than listing  all  the  variables  in  RHS  of combo logics. This removes typo mistakes and hence avoids simulation and synthesis mismatches,

Verilog 2001 allows port direction and data type in the port list of modules as represented in the instance below

module memory (

input r,

input wr, input [7:0] data_in,

input [3:0] addr,

output [7:0] data_out


Width  elements  of  ports,  wire  or  reg  declarations  require  a  constant  in  both  LSB and  MSB . Before  Verilog  2001,  it's  a  syntax  error  to  specify  a  function  call  to  evaluate  the  value  of  these widths. For instance, following code is erroneous before Verilog 2001 version.


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Computer Engineering: can you list out some of enhancements in verilog
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