
Can you differentiate pull marketing from push marketing

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Discuss with your colleagues the following questions: What is Legality? Specifically how are employees and medical entities legally responsible in Health Service Organizations? Provide two specific real life case examples that you find on the internet or in the print media. Read the background articles but this discussion will take research beyond the above articles. Provide citation of authority to support your initial response to discussion questions. Peers are expected to demonstrate critical thinking in their questions related to the classmates' descriptions. Initial response to dicussion topic must be no later than midnight Thursday and then you must substantively respond to at least 2 classmate submissions no later than 6pm Sunday. See Discussion Requirements in Discussion topic entitled "Discussion Expectations and Grading" No duplication. Redundant primary posts will not be graded.
Lecture articles

[Legal issues facing health care professionals]

https://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/Vol2num1/pdf/lazaro.pdf [ethical and legal analysis of health care case]
Background Readings for week 1 discussion 1

• https://www.whitehouse.gov/our-government [everyone should have a baseline understanding of the U.S. Government, specifically the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, and legal responsibilities of individuals and organizations from each of the three branches]

• https://www.osha.gov/workers.html#6
[This government website outlines employer responsibilities under Occupational Health and Safety Administration federal law.]

• https://healthsafety.etsu.edu/docs/Employee_Safety_Handbook.pdf
[This employee handbook identifies a number of state and federal obligations as it relates to employees. Pay special attention to the activities and programs on page 10 of this handbook.]

• https://www.wha.org/data/sites/1/emergencyPrep/EthicalResp_HCLeadership_8-08.pdf

• No word length but get the point across and no title page!!!!!

•Discussion - Healthcare Marketing

Discussion Topic

Marketing is a key function of a healthcare institution.

What do you think are the key differences between marketing healthcare services and marketing a tangible product like food, computers etc?

Remember to answer the question and then bring in references. Discuss the importance of what this means to a Healthcare Administrator/Marketer.

2nd question...

Can you differentiate pull marketing from push marketing in healthcare. As you read the "peer posts" from your classmates, be sure to challenge or add to the discussion with references (Remember APA-6)

Remember just saying: "Great post" or "I agree" will not show me your ability to THINK.

You need to 1. Make a point, 2. Bring in a reference to back up your statement. 3. Tell me why this is important to a healthcare administrator. Answering number 3 is key. This is how you synthesis the information and apply it to the world.

Here is a go-by for maximum points:

1. Read the discussion question.

2. Find some relevant information to answer or make your statement of fact. Can be from your reading or outside source. The more the better! I am looking for an answer with some definition. ex: if the discussion topic asks you to list something and you just list it, you will get some points. If you list it and then describe it per your reference-More points. SO I would be looking for sentences that may start with: This is important to a healthcare marketing department because....... (your thoughts based on what you read)

3. Use APA-6 for in text citations and your reference at the end of your statement! (there are programs that will do this for you. We are in college!)

4. Critical Thinking: the "SO WHAT!" questions. What does everything you wrote mean to a Healthcare Manager or consumer or payer (insurance)?

5. Comments on your peers: As Mentioned, unless stated otherwise - you need to make a contribution comment on two different peers. Saying " I found your comments interesting", or that is was very nice! isn't what the purpose is. Please feel free to support the thought with a reference, or disagree with or challenge the thinking. This is a "Critical Thinking" exercise! I have often found information to counter a statement that many take for granted. Feel free to challenge your classmates or enhance them. Doesn't have to be a full response. But if you comment positively or negatively with some data, that is all that is needed (With a reference). This is what will lead to -------learning!!!!
Avoid using "I think" and "I feel" without any data..... That is just dinner table conversation!

No word length but get the point across and no title page.

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Marketing Management: Can you differentiate pull marketing from push marketing
Reference No:- TGS01763450

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