
Can you create descriptive statistic from the information

Can you create descriptive statistic from the information below.

Please use the information in the below questionnaire.                     

1.      Are you male or female? 

Reply:                          Male-1                       Female-0

2.   Which category below includes your age (circle one)?

Reply:             18-25-1            26-39-2            40-55-3            56-older-4

3. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?


High-school:1             Community college:2            Certificate:3               BA/MA:4

4.      Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?


Head teacher:1          Teacher assistant:2      Administration:3       Intern:4      

5.    What is your satisfaction experience at this school?


Very satisfied:1          Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied:2              Dissatisfied with it:3

6. Which of the category below best describes the number of daily challenging behaviors in your classroom?

Reply:             0:1       1-3:2    4-6:3    7-10:4             higher:5

7.   Which of the category below best describes your early childhood background and knowledge?


Very Knowledgeable:1         Knowledgeable:2       Somewhat Knowledgeable:3

Not at all:4

8. Are you comfortable at choosing behavioral characteristics that you consider are developmentally age appropriate?

Reply:             Yes:1               No:0

9.  If you answered yes to the previous question, can you please mark the category most associated with the developmentally age appropriate behavior, per each age.  Circle the age that is most typically associated with the behavior, and the frequency that is would be considered most typical for that age category (circle a frequency per age)

a. Biting: 

  • 12-24 months  - 1-2 a week    1-2 a day         3-4 a day         not at all
  • 25-32 months  - 1-2 a week    1-2 a day         3-4 a day         not at all         
  • 3-4 year olds   - 1-2 a week    1-2 a day         3-4 a day         not at all
  • 5 year olds       - 1-2 a week    1-2 a day         3-4 a day         not at all

Reply: 1-2 a week:1               1-2 a day:2     3-4 a day:3    not at all:4

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Basic Statistics: Can you create descriptive statistic from the information
Reference No:- TGS0581707

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