
Can you compute the betweenness values of all of the edges

Assianment: Networks

Answer all of four questions-

1. Recall that a shortest path between two nodes is a path of minimal possible length. A node X is called pivotal for a pair of nodes Y and Z, if X lies on every shortest path between Y and Z (and X is different from Y and Z).

(a) Give an example of a graph in which every node is pivotal for at least one pair of nodes. Explain your answer.

(b) Give an example of a graph in which every node is pivotal for at least two different pairs of nodes. Explain your answer.

2. The social graph of a node A in a (social) network is the induced subgraph on the set of friends of A. On MathSciNet (https://www.ams.org/mathscinot), pick a (local) mathematician with at least 10 friends (i.e., co-authors). Then sketch their social graph and determine the clustering coefficient.

3. Design a computer program that allows you to experimentally test the claim that, in a random graph on n vertices, a giant component becomes visible, after the graph has acquired approximately n/2 edges in random positions. (This question is asking for somewhat detailed descriptions of the individual parts of such a computer program: what data structure is used to represent vertices and edges, how can edges be chosen uniformly at random, how can a giant component be recognized, how to find the connected components of a network in the first place, The question does not ask for an actual implementation of such a program. However, an actual implementation in your favorite programming language would be on acceptable solution.)

4. In the graph on the right, use Breadth First Search as one of the tools to determine how the flow from node B spreads out over the edges of the graph. Do the same for another two or three node. Can you compute the betweenness values of all of the edges from these data? Which edge of the graph would the GirvanNewman method for graph partitioning remove first?

Challenge: Write a computer program that performs the Girvan-Newman method on any given graph.

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Computer Networking: Can you compute the betweenness values of all of the edges
Reference No:- TGS01269672

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