
Can you compare the technology to a similar historic

In this paper, you are asked to play the role of an analyst who is studying trends in information technology with a five to ten year time horizon. Such projections are useful in determining investments, career paths, consumer trends, and R&D allocations.

What emerging trends in information technology interest you? Is it VR, social media, cyber security, mobile apps, or robotics?

What other trends will impact your field of interest - demographics, the economy, culture? Will your technology platform establish a new paradigm, like the iPhone, or will it fail, like Google Glass?

Your report should follow the standard "thesis-supporting arguments-conclusion" model.

In 500 - 1000 words (1- 2 pages) identify an emerging technology, providing just enough background that a reader unfamiliar with it understands where it came from and how it works. Then predict how it will evolve over the next five to ten years using research you have developed.

Can you compare the technology to a similar historic example? Will investment and adoption patterns be similar? What trends seem to apply to your technology?

Is there a ripple effect from your technology to others? What constraints exist? Is there a tipping point at which adoption rates accelerate?

The paper is due before midnight. It will be submitted through Blackboard. It should be an MS Word document, 3/4 inch margins, single spaced, 12 point Times Roman font.

It should have at least three quality references (citation format is up to you), and can have charts or other illustrations (not part of the page count).

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Management Information Sys: Can you compare the technology to a similar historic
Reference No:- TGS02541206

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