Answer the following questions:
Question 1. What is the purpose of the Sherman Act and what does it cover?
Question 2. Can the existence of a monopoly be lawful? Explain why or why not
Question 3. Name and discuss the four different forms of merger?
Question 4. What five factors does the FTC take into account when looking at an advertisement to determine whether it is deceptive?
Question 5. What is a Truth-in-Lending Act required finance charge and what items are included in the finance charge?
Question 6. Name the three major rights given to consumers under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Question 7. There are nine restrictions on loan collector's methods that are declared illegal under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Name five of them.
Question 8. What are the components of the environmental impact statement and when are they required?
Question 9. Describe the Clean Water Act sequence for cleanup of industrial wastes discharged into rivers and streams.
Question 10. What reforms to the Superfund law have been proposed?
Question 11. What can a private citizen do to force a private polluter to comply with the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts?
Question 12. What are some of the things are employer can do to protect him or herself from a lawsuit concerning employment?
Question 13. What is the purpose and jurisdiction of OSHA?
Question 14. What duties does an agent owe to his or her principal?
Question 15. Aside from granting the leave when appropriate, what are the responsibilities of the employer with regard to the Family Medical Leave Act?
Question 16. When may public employees be drug tested?
Question 17. To win a Title VII case, what must a plaintiff prove?
Question 18. What is the difference between affirmative action and the setting of quotas?
Question 19. What protections are afforded to employees under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act?
Question 20. What kinds of impairments are covered under the ADA and what are not?
Question 21. Without providing examples, define what is meant by the term, "unfair labor practices".
Question 22. Name the issues that are classified as compulsory bargaining issues in union negotiations?