Can someone create a Java program that performs the following distributed systems tasks? This should be easy for a Java programmer.
The following tasks should be performed within the code:
This means a Task cannot complete until another task is fulfilled, example
this means transaction 2 cannot happen unless T1 is done, as well as T3 cannot happen until T2 is done.
The tasks here are done in parallel
T1 and T2 are done together (T1||T2)
or chain parallel (T1||T2||T3) means all three transactions are done together
this means that both T3 and T4 can't start in parallel until both T1 and T2 are done in parallel.
this task is self-explanatory, you can use both parallelism and seqeuencing .
-hard wired tasks
here I need you to help me express, at a basic level, what a task does.
T1 = some calculations
this assignment is about building a data structure and generating a SCHEDULE for the task graph, calculation is one of:
sum N - sum the numbers from 1 to N in a loop. N can be up to 64-bit integers.
sleep N - sleep for N seconds using system sleep.
T1 ::= sleep 15
Defines a task T1 that sleeps for 15 seconds.
T2 ::= sleep 10
Defines a task T2 that sleeps for 10 seconds.
T3 ::= sum 10000000
Defines a task T3 that sums the numbers from 1 to 10000000
you can come up with an input, an example of an input would be :
T1 -> T2 || T3 -> T4
T1 := sleep 10
T2:= sleep 50
T3 := sum 100000
T4:= sum 1000000
A second more complex example would be :
T1-> (T2 -> T3 || (T4 -> T5)) -> T6
T1:= sleep 10
T2 := sleep 50
T3 := sum 100000
T4:= sum 1000
T5 := sleep 25
T6 := sum 10000010