Can rfid also assist with inventory control in the store

RFID Tracking A major national retail chain has grown enormously over the past several years. It has hired your team as consultants to investigate the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) as a solution to its growing inventory and supplier problems. The company wants to require that all of its suppliers use RFID on all shipments sent to the company's warehouses. The plan will require changes to every one of the company's computer systems, as well as fundamental changes in how the company does business with its stores, suppliers, and customers. Using the Web and/or print media, each team member should investigate the costs and barriers to using RFID, and contrast those with the benefits of the technology. Merge your findings into a team report that addresses the following issues: Should a large company force a specific technology on its suppliers? Why might the company opt to exclude the RFID tags from individual items? Discuss in your report how Walmart or another major retailer used RFID to solve its inventory and supplier problems. Can RFID also assist with inventory control in the store after it has been delivered by the supplier? Be sure to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of RFID.

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Mechanical Engineering: Can rfid also assist with inventory control in the store
Reference No:- TGS02195060

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