
Can quadriplegics and paraplegic engage in sexual activities


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Article: "Oral sex and oral health: An enigma in itself" by Tarun Kumar, Gagan Puri, Konidena Aravinda, Neha Arora, Deepa Patil and Rajesh Gupta.

Oral sex is commonly practiced by sexually active couples of various age groups, including male-female and same-gender adolescents. The various type of oral sex practices are fellatio, cunnilingus, and analingus. Oral sex can transmit oral, respiratory, and genital infections from one site in body to the other. Oral health has a direct correlation on the transmission of infection; a cut in the mouth, bleeding gums, lip sores or broken skin increases chances of life-threatening infections. Although oral sex is considered a low risk activity, it is important to use protection such as physical barriers, health and medical issues, ethical issues, and oral hygiene and dental issues. The ulcerations or unhealthy periodontium in mouth accelerates the phenomenon of transmission of infections into the circulation. Thus, consequences of unhealthy or painful oral cavity are significant and oral health should be given paramount importance for the practice of oral sex.

A significant proportion of adolescents are engaging in noncoital sexual activities which includes oral sex commonly. Oral sex refers to sexual activities involving the stimulation of the genitalia by the use of the mouth, tongue, teeth or throat.[1Links to an external site.] It is now very common in both heterosexual and homosexual couples among people of all sexual orientations. They may practice it as part of foreplay before, during or following sexual intercourse. Studies indicate that adolescents have had oral sex before their first experience with sexual intercourse that more adolescents have had oral sex than vaginal sex and that few adolescents who engage in oral sex use barrier protection.


A. Are fellatio, cunnilingus, anilingus, or coitus normal sexual behavior? Why or why not. Define each term in your response. Explain in detail. Remember, the "how and why" are the most important parts of these questions. Use text/module as your reference.

B. Should intellectually disabled individuals have the freedom to engage in sexual activities? Explain in detail. Use text as your reference.

C. Individuals with spinal cord injures have the same sexual desires as those without these permanent neurological deficits. Can quadriplegics and paraplegics engage in sexual activities? Define the terms. If so, what activities can each engage? If not, why not. Explain in detail.

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Biology: Can quadriplegics and paraplegic engage in sexual activities
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