
Can dogs detect covid positivity before tests can


Think of a question you would like to answer about animal cognition. This could be anything or involve any species, but keep in mind that this needs to be something you could answer by designing a study. For example, something fairly easy to design a study to investigate would be "can dogs detect Covid-positive patients by odor?" On the other hand, "does my dog resent me when I pet other dogs?" might be a more difficult question to answer scientifically. If you are having trouble thinking of a question to study, a good idea is to look up what already has been studied regarding animal cognition and try to think of the next step. For instance, if a published study had found that dogs can indeed detect Covid-positive patients by odor, you could then ask, "how long after patients test positive can dogs still detect Covid positivity by odor?" or "can dogs detect Covid positivity before tests can?"

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