
Can adam upp sue walexron for employment discrimination can

This questions comes under MBA 5005 in a question for a paper. Legal and Ethical Challenges in a Multinational Organization. Adam Upp worked in the accounting department and had been with the retail division for 10 years. Adam started out as a cashier in one of the stores, was promoted to store manager, and eventually promoted to the accounting department at headquarters. Adam received numerous positive job evaluations over the years with the company. Adam and his life partner Pat receive medical, dental, and life insurance benefits as part of Adam's employment package with Walexron. Adam reported to the director of Accounting, Eve ann Jellical, who recently transferred to the retail division from the express delivery division. Eve took away a good protion of Adam's responsibilty and froze his pay. Other employees heard Eve Ann say, "Same-sex marriages are wrong. Eve Ann posted bible verses in the bathroom and at the bottom of her e-mails. Adam repoted Eve's behavior to H/R, but Eve's behavior only escaluated after the report Adam quit two months after filing the report. I'm Stuck and need guideance on the next set of questions.

Question: Can Adam Upp sue Walexron for employment discrimination? Why or why not?

Can Adam argue constructive discharge in this instance? Why or why not?

One of the employees who worked for Adam. Cybil Wrights reported Adam's treatment to the EEOC. Cybil was at will employee who had been with Walexron five years. In response to the EEOC report, Eve Ann Jellical terminated Cybil.

Can Walexron fire Cybil? Why or why not?

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